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There are numerous stores on Treasure Island that collectively offer just about anything - armour, weapons, tools, furniture, pets - you name it, someone is selling it!

Finding the stores which offer the items you are interested in is not always an easy process though and with three areas to cover, each with a number of shops, it can be rather time consuming to just browse around.
So on this page you will find information about many of the shops on the island including where they are located, what they sell, who runs them and links to their websites if available.
Choose the shopping area you are interested in browsing to jump straight to the list of stores within it.

Estate Areas

Lake ViewNorthern ShoresTreasure Island City
Lake View EstatesNorthern EstatesTreasure Island City

Location of the first shops of the island - Good variety, scenic location, established businesses.

A small number of shops make it quick and easy to check what is available.

Special purpose shopping blocks on the ground floor of Apartment buildings - Huge Variety of stores.

Lake View Shops

Treasure Island Estates are great for many things and shopping is definitely one of them. Several people purchased estates around the lake and setup shops that are still going very strong today. Many of these shops are specialised into one specific type of item and they are often owned and run by people highly experienced in the manufacture of those items.

Northern Shore Shops

A small set of shops in a very compact area make visiting them a very quick and easy process. Don't overlook this area when browsing around - you never know what you might miss :)

Treasure Island City

A new style of dedicated store lets you buy what you see straight off the display area! These shops are built into the ground floor of the apartment buildings.